Click to watch Episode Five, streamed live on July 6, 2020. *we ain’t talkin ’bout running around in lingerie!
The Open Book, Episode Three: SUDs (Seemingly Unimportant Decisions)
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Productivity is Exciting
CHRISTIEN: This site has been mostly dormant for a while, because, well… because life happens. (Also, maintaining a website takes more discipline than we expected. Mostly, though, we have too many otherRead More…
How Did We Move Forward?
BRYAN: I have been rereading Pure Desire, a book that God has really laid on my heart. The information in this book can help anyone who reads this blog. I know thatRead More…
In the Pew Feeling Alone?
BRYAN: I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior at the age of 27. Some things changed fairly quickly, some exterior behaviors like smoking, and drinking on a daily basis. In myRead More…
Our First Bus (mis)Adventure
CHRISTIEN: Buckle up. This is a long post. And dramatic. But there is a point… We bought a bus. Yay! It’s official we’re bus owners. Finding the vehicle took a lot ofRead More…